Looking to Master Microblading and Permanent Makeup Application?

While the procedure isn’t new by any means, microblading and permanent makeup have begun to rise in terms of popularity and practice. The world we live in is one that’s very aware and focused upon image and the importance of making a first impression. The wonders it can do for someone’s self-esteem have been proven time and time again.

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Looking for Microblading near Dallas This Valentine’s Day?

If you’re in the Dallas area and want to look your best for Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to rejuvenate your eyebrows with microblading at Heather James Ink. Your gorgeous face is the first thing anybody sees, and it’s so important to give your Valentine’s date and everyone else the best impression possible. We can’t wait to help you make this a reality.

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What Creates Pattern Baldness?

How familiar are you with the causes of male pattern baldness? Did you know that more than one-third of men will experience it at some point? It’s worth having some insight into the various contributors to baldness, some of which you cannot control, and that’s why Heather James Ink is here to help.

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New Year, New You!

The new year is approaching fast and it’s time to think about your resolutions. Heather James Ink suggests resolving to make a “new you” for this new year by transforming yourself with our microblading and scalp micropigmentation services. This is not a superficial suggestion either. Building a confident and attractive appearance is a huge component … Read more